Hopefully you are here because you're actually interested in what I have to say. I that's true then welcome.
Don't believe me?
So you don't get very good grades, you're not a 'straight A' student like every is telling you you should be, and you're definitely not the teachers pet, but look around you. There are people in your neighbourhood right now who wish they were you! I guarantee it! They want your friends. They want your experiences. They want to live your life.
Maybe you don't have that many friends. That's not a bad thing. Some people would say it's the opposite in fact! You may be able to count your number of good friends on one hand, and if you can, you should know you can rely on them anytime, anywhere, and for anything.
If you are over 80 and think your best years are behind you, think again. You are still awesome. You just need to show the world!
You need to find your awesome!
Everyone has an awesome from your parents, to friends, to your siblings, to your pet dog. It's just a matter of finding out what it is, and if you set your mind to it, it's easy!
First of all find out what you're good at and you love to do. Don't tell me there's nothing, everybody is good at something. Okay, fine. Tell me something you suck at, but you absolutely love to do. Write down as many as you can think of even if its riding a pogo stick.
Now that you have your list all you have to do is find your absolute favourite and hone your new awesome.
It doesn't matter what you choose from your list, as long as you enjoy it and it's important to you. To turn it into an awesome you just need to make it important to others.
You're good at a certain class in school. That means a whole lot of great careers are there for you.
You love reading. You could be a book critic.
Your good at making friends and love socialising. People will want you to advertise them and tell everybody you know how great their products are.
You're great at the pogo stick. This could be the start of a huge sporting career.
Once you've figured out what your awesome is all that's left to do is to hone it. Practice it. Talk to people about. Research it. Attend events on it. Yes, there are other things you need to do in the mean time, but never forget your awesome. If you commit it, sooner or later everyone will see your awesome.
If you are elderly it isn't to late. You can still be awesome. If you commit people will notice you sooner or later. Even if you can only be awesome for six months people will know you were awesome
I don't mean everyone's going to notice that your awesome in six months. There are many great people who followed their awesome, but others thought they were nothing during their lives. Need proof?
Take Vincent Van Gough for instant. He is a world famous artist nowadays, but it was many years before his art was exhibited, and he found it very hard to sell any work. He was unable to support himself for many years of his life. He wasn't realised as awesome until after he died. These days you're unlikely to find a person alive who hasn't heard of him.
If you don't know your awesome yet, then perhaps you haven't found it. All you have to do is look.
I found my awesome back in year two. I loved having people read to me, and had just 'discovered' that I could read to myself. I loved escaping into the fantasy worlds some authors would create. I could become someone else and live a whole other life if I wanted.
Soon after I realised I could create my own worlds, my own stories. Every time we had creative writing during class I'd dive into another new world.
Over the next few years I decided I wanted to write fantasy for young teens, and that was when I started to follow my awesome.
The last couple of years I haven't been writing. I've been job searching only, and it has started to feel kind of pointless. I needed to do something. I still so my job searches, but I make sure I follow my awesome every chance I get.
If your not sure where to start with making your hobby an awesome. Ask your parents what their friends do. No seriously. I was amazed to find that even living in a rural area, I already knew both and author and a publisher! That author has been a huge help to me.
And don't worry if you haven't found your awesome yet. Keep tying knew things and I know you will.
You are awesome!
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